10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness

10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness

Matematika kasih cara!!!!!!!!!!​

kasih cara!!!!!!!!!!​


[tex]AD= \sqrt{(13 \times 13) + (5 \times 5)} \\ = \ \sqrt{169 + 25} \\ =√144 \\ =12[/tex]


[tex]AC= \sqrt{(15 \times 15) - (12 \times 12)} \\ = \: \sqrt{(225 - 144} \\ = \sqrt{81} \\ = 9[/tex]


[tex]L1= \frac{1}{2} ×5×12 \\ =5 \times 12 \\ = 30[/tex]

[tex]L2= \frac{1}{2} ×12×15 \\ =12 \times 15 \\ =90[/tex]


Maka Luas seluruh Limas segitiga adalah




Detail Jawaban :

Mapel : MTK

Kelas : 8smp

materi : bangun ruang limas segitiga

kode soal : 2

kode kategorisasi : 8.2.2

Cari panjang AD:

  • AD² = AB² - BD²
  • AD² = 13² - 5²
  • AD² = 169 - 25
  • AD² = 144
  • AD = √144
  • AD = 12 cm

[tex] \: \: [/tex]

Luas segitiga ABC

= luas segitiga ABD + luas segitiga ADC

= (½ × BD × AD) + (½ × CD × AD)

= (½ × 5 × 12) + (½ × 15 × 12)

= (5 × 6) + (15 × 6)

= 30 + 90

= 120 cm²
